1. Nemanja Vuković, Department of Oral surgery, Faculty of Stomatology, Pančevo, Serbia
2. Vladimir Biočanin, Stomatoloski fakultet, Pančevo, Serbia
3. Djorđe Antonijević, Department of histology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia
4. Vukoman Jokanović, University of Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbia, Serbia
5. Katarina Kalevski, University Business Academy Novi Sad, Faculty of Dental Medicine in Pancevo, Serbia
The aim of this study was to compare differences in the solubility of the following materials: MTA, calcium-aluminate with the addition of (CAZrO), calcium-aluminate with the addition of and calcium-aluminate with the addition (CASrF).
Method: Ten samples of each material in the form of a cylinder were immersed in phosphate buffered solution (PBS) . Their weight was measured before immersion, and after thirty days of standing in the PBS solution, the samples were removed and was repeated to establish the difference in weight of each sample.
Results: The lowest solubility was shown with CASrF which even showed increase in the initial mass by as much as (+14.05%) with high statistical significance (p<0.001, Paired Samples Т-Test). A lower value of increase in mass, was shown by CASrCO (+2.24%). The highest values of solubility showed CAZrO by with loss of initial mass of -3.26% and followed by MTA (-1.22%).
Conclusion: Taking into account the obtained results, CASrF imposes as a good material for retrograde obturation of the root canal, which in some of its properties would surpass the materials used so far. Solubility of the material used for retrograde obturation in body fluids can be a major clinical problem given that they are a potential route for the passage of bacteria and their toxins, as well as the consequent reinfection of periapical tissue and treatment failure.
Кључне речи:
Keywords: solubility,retrograde obturation of the root canal,dental cements
Тематска област:
СИМПОЗИЈУМ А - Наука материје, кондензоване материје и физикa чврстог стања
Датум пријаве сажетка:
Contemporary Materials 2020 - Савремени материјали