1. Svetomir Maksimović, Mining institute, Belgrade, Serbia, Serbia
2. Svetlana Polavder, Mining institute, Belgrade, Serbia, Serbia
Public Enterprise Electric Power Industry of Serbia is in the phase of restructuring, financial consolidation. The documents of foreign and domestic consultants insist on a significant increase in productivity and efficiency.The analysis should include economic, social and environmental aspects, as well as national policy and legislation. Such demands are also based on modern proven control mechanisms, where the effects of all of the components of such a large and complex system must be perceived at all times. So far, a number of symposiums have been presented in several papers in which the significance of the application of cross-sectoral models in large and small production systems has been emphasized. In this paper, from the numerous models, only the application of the partial model of production increase in the EPS production system was analyzed.
Кључне речи:
cross-sectional models,I-O tables,energy,mines
Тематска област:
Системско инжењерство, ризици, менаџмент и савремени трендови
Датум пријаве сажетка:
7th Balkan Mining Congress