1. Jelena Stefanović-Marinović, Faculty of Mechanical Engeneering , Serbia
2. Sanjin Troha, Faculty of Engineering, Croatia
This paper considers two-speed planetary gear trains with four external shafts, composed of two simple planetary gear trains. Possible shemes of these planetary gear trains are pointed including systematization of variants. By putting brakes on different shafts transmission ratio changes and also power flow through the planetary gear trains. This fact makes possible application of two-carrier two-speed planetary gear trains at the systems which need transmission ratio changes under load.
Apart from the definition structures of the two-carrier two-planetary gear trains, the analysis of the operation of the trains with different layout variants also included in the paper.
Кључне речи:
Key words: two-speed planetary gear trains, transmission ratios, brakes on the single shaft
Тематска област:
Механика и конструкције
Датум пријаве сажетка:
13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering